Having been lucky to work with some creative talents with plenty of passion to spread bits of their skills for
others to see, we decided to introduce them to you by asking them a few
questions. Here is our cover star Daria, a collage guru and fan of Harry Potter:
2. Age: 26

3. Please fill in: I am an __________because_________.
I am an artist and illustrator because I am not very good at other things.
4. What would be the name of your autobiography?
Something like “Daria Hlazatova and a Half-sharpened pencil”.
5. What was the latest thing that inspired you?
Music, Elgar in particular.
6. Your biggest fashion fetish?

7. What is your first fashion memory?
When we were travelling in Lithuania back in the early 90s my mum bought me a really extravagant striped playsuit. I was about 4 then, and I didn’t quite like it, but I remember whenever I put it on I was the centre of universal attention. I was the lady gaga of my playground.
8. What have you learned recently? How to write my name in elvish script.
9. What are you known for amongst friends?
I mostly talk nonsense and read too much. I think friends remember me for my weird taste in music and movies and for being underdressed in winter.
10. What is the most important thing to have around you when working?
My cat thinks that she is that important thing, but she isn’t. So I’d say, good music or audiobook.
+1: Which piece of your own work do you like the most?
I like some of my pieces more than others because they are connected with some significant events in my life. These two are.
Daria's website:
All Pencils of Mine are Sugarplums
Daria's illustrations available for purchase here
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